Moving Walk

Moving Walk

FUJI Precision's moving walk is a convenient way of transportation designed for public places such as shopping malls, airports, and subway stations to better serve the public. It is not only efficient, safe and comfortable, but also be customized to meet the needs of different places. Our moving walkway has the advantages of high stability, low noise, low maintenance cost, etc. It is also an environmentally friendly and energy-saving way to travel. We are committed to providing the  travel experience for every user, making your pace easier and your travel more convenient.Chat Now!

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You Can Also Match The Elevator Decoration To Your Liking

Signal system (COP、LOP、Basic type LED Dot Matrix、Picture type LCD display、Video type LCD display、Button etc) ; Landing door series(Painted steel color) ; Celiling series、Handrail、Floor etc , We provide diverse choices to you.

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